8/28/24 Setting the Stage for Successful Implementation of Tier II Trauma Interventions
1:00-2:30 PM
  • Receive a brief overview of evidence-based Tier II trauma interventions Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) and Bounce Back - to help you decide if they are right for the needs of your students and school community.

  • Learn about the selection criteria, expectations and supports available for clinicians invited to attend future training in CBITS and/or Bounce Back. 

  • Learn about best practices for the group formation process for Tier II trauma interventions.

  • Learn and reflect on best practices in creating readiness for implementation of Tier II trauma interventions at your school.

In this training, participants will be introduced to best practices for building readiness for implementation of two Tier II trauma interventions: CBITS (5th-12th grade) and Bounce Back (K-5th grade).  Participants will be provided with a brief overview* of CBITS and Bounce Back, which are evidence-based group interventions that aim to provide students with the cognitive- behavioral skills needed to process traumatic events and develop coping strategies for success in school and life.  During this training, participants will be equipped with knowledge and practical tools to set the stage for successful implementation of Tier II trauma interventions. Participants will learn about best practices for: gaining support from the school community, planning and protecting time to implement, the consent process, and resources for decreasing barriers and building readiness for successful future implementation of CBITS and Bounce Back at their school. This training is open to both school administrators and school mental health professionals.  Schools with staff that attend this training will receive priority for SY24-25 training in CBITS and/or Bounce Back sponsored by REACH Out!   

This session will be conducted by:
 Sybil Baker is a licensed clinical social worker and Associate Director of School Mental Health Interventions with the Center for Childhood Resilience at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Ms. Baker has over 17 years of clinical experience in school and community settings. Her expertise focuses on increasing access to evidence-based mental health programming for children and communities through trauma-informed, healing-centered, culturally responsive coaching, consultation, and training. Ms. Baker is a national trainer for the Cognitive Behavior Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS), Bounce Back, and Anger Coping interventions.

Maury Prieto, MSW- Mental Health Consultant, Center for Childhood Resilience - Maury Prieto is a social worker who has over 10 years of experience working with youth in school and community settings. She worked as a school social worker for 8 years in the Chicagoland area centering her work serving K-8 students and addressing social emotional needs.

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I understand that a zoom link will be sent to me 48 hours in advance of the training. 
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