Cincinnati Museum Center Educator Resources
As a leading educational institution, we are exploring ways CMC can continue to be a resource for you and your students. We are creating virtual learning opportunities and online resources – including exhibits, videos, blogs, curator interviews and activities – to help students keep their minds active during school closure.

We would like to hear from you. How can we support your instruction and your students’ learning during this time? If you have questions or suggestions, please share.  To contact us directly, reach out to Tony Lawson, Senior Director-School & Teacher Partnerships at

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Have you used any of our education resources?  If so, please let us know what you've used and how you used them.
Please share suggestions on activities, topics or resources that we can provide to you or your students that would be helpful while learning remotely.
As schools, parents and museums look towards summer and next school year, please share thoughts on how you think your teaching practices may or may not change.  What type of experiences will you look for as camps/schools resume?
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