Apply for an AAJA-MN grant

Grants are offered each year to help pay for training opportunities or to help defray the costs of attending the national AAJA conventions, or other organization conferences. 

The chapter can award Executive Leadership Program grants of up to $1,000 and 3 convention grants of up to $500. 

To apply for a 2024 convention grant, submit this form by 4 p.m. April 30. Recipients will be determined by lottery.

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Name *
Email *
Have you ever received an AAJA-MN grant before? *
If yes, when and for what?
What kind of grant assistance are you requesting? *
How will this convention or training opportunity help you in your education or career? *
Please describe the work you've done to further diversity and equity. *
Are you a member of AAJA Minnesota?
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Are you a member of any other journalism organizations? If so, which?
Are you a student?
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Where do you currently work or study?
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