FREE Creative Genius Services Strategy Session
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Date *
Name *
Company *
State *
Website URL
Email *
Mobile Phone *
How did you hear about us? *
How long have you been in business/ministry/publishing/writing? *
Why did you start/or why do you want to start your business/ministry/publishing/writing? *
If we were to do a free strategy session together, what would you want to get from it? *
Please describe your graphics/marketing endeavors as it is now. *
If you could wave a magic wand and change three things in your graphic design/marketing endeavors, what would they be? *
What have been your three biggest accomplishments in the last five years? *
What are your biggest challenges when it comes to designing graphics and marketing for your business/ministry/book publishing project? *
Who or what do you think is your biggest obstacle to reaching your current goals? *
What have you tried to do to resolve these challenges? *
How did that work for you? *
Who or what do you think is responsible for your current results? *
What is not resolving these challenges costing you? *
How much longer are you willing to deal with these challenges? *
What do you want instead? *
What would your life be like if you were able to get solutions to your graphic design and marketing challenges?? *
On a scale from 1–10, how committed are you to getting graphic design/marketing solutions? *
Not committed at all. I will get to it someday.
Very committed! Let's get started yesterday!
After the free strategy session, I’d like to find out how the session went for you and if it would benefit you to continue working together. Does that sound good? *
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