2024 NRHC Student Activities Committee Application
The Student Activities Committee will review applications and get back to interested candidates on a rolling basis
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What is your name? *
What is your home college/university? *
Will you still be a student in April 2024? *
What is your cell phone number? *
What is your preferred email address? *
What is the name of your Honors Director? *
What is your Honors Director's email address? *
Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Why do you want to be on the Student Activities Committee and how do you think NRHC will benefit from your presence? *
What is your involvement in your Honors Program? (i.e. courses taken, participation in conferences, community service, leadership, etc.) *
What other responsibilities do you have besides Honors? What other extracurricular activities will you be engaged in? How will you balance your duties within the committee with your coursework and other responsibilities? *
What are your interests and hobbies outside of Honors? *
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