URI campusBRIDGE Research Opportunity Board User Registration 
Thank you for posting your undergraduate research opportunity on campusBRIDGE! 

To post opportunities on any of the campusBRIDGE opportunity boards, users must have an employer/partner account. This is separate from an existing U of A staff/alumni account that you might have for viewing job postings. 

Please complete the following information if you'd like URI to do your initial profile set-up for you.  The following information is required for all new employer/partner accounts. URI staff will use this information to create your user account and will send you a password that you can use to log in and manage your postings in the future. URI staff can set up your profile and post your first opportunity for you in one step.    

If you would prefer to set up your own profile, you can do so here: https://campusbridge.ualberta.ca/employer/registration.htm.  New profiles are manually reviewed by Career Centre staff, and may take 1-2 business days to approve before you can post your first opportunity. If you are affiliated with the U of A and wish to set up your own employer/partner account, please note: 
  • Organization name should be University of Alberta
  • Organization type should be University of Alberta
  • Division name should be your Faculty or Department name, and may also include your lab/research group name (if applicable). This is the name that will display with your opportunity postings. 
  • The form will ask you about "services of interest."  Please select "Campus Engagement" for job/opportunity postings.  
If you already have an employer/partner account on campusBRIDGE:  You can post your opportunity with your existing profile: 
If you have questions or need assistance with the URI Opportunity Board on campusBRIDGE, please contact uri@ualberta.ca. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Collection of personal information:
The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purpose of providing undergraduate research-related services.  Direct any questions about this collection to: Team Lead, Undergraduate Research Initiative, 2-701 Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7 tel (780) 492-4183; fax (780) 492-1225.
User Profile Information 
Faculty/School *
Department *
Lab or Research Group Name (optional) 
If provided, this name will appear beside the department name in the posting to identify your lab or research group. (e.g. Some labs are identified by the last name of the principal investigator. Others are named based on the type of research they do.) 
Email address *
First Name *
Preferred Name (optional)
Last Name *
Job Title/Position *
Complete Mailing address (including postal code) *
i.e. your campus address/office/lab location 
Phone  *
Alternate Phone (optional)
Website, directory page, or LinkedIn Link  (optional)
Are you U of A alumni?  *
Opportunity Posting Information 
Application Contact information (to be displayed on posting)  *
i.e. Provide the name, email address and phone number of the person students should contact with questions about the posting. 
Type of opportunity *
Select the option that best describes the opportunity. 
Position Term *
Selection the option that best describes the opportunity. 
Position title *
Position Start Date *
Can be a specific date or text (e.g. As soon as possible, negotiable, etc.)
Position End Date *
Can be a specific date or text (e.g. As soon as possible, negotiable, etc.)
Opportunity Description (max 10,000 characters) *
This field is searchable by keyword. 
  • Please describe what the opportunity entails (e.g. duties). 
  • If you chose "other" for position type or term above, please provide the details here. 
  • Please indicate in your posting the anticipated number of hours per week. 
  • Please indicate the location of the work (e.g. North Campus, CSJ, Augustana,  or other locations, as applicable)
  • If you are filling multiple positions with one posting, please indicate the number of vacancies 
Skills & Qualifications (max 10,000 characters) *
Please describe what skills/qualifications you are looking for in a potential applicant for this position. This field is searchable by keyword.  
Areas of study (required only if you want to target your posting to specific program(s))
Students can search opportunity boards by programs or program clusters. 

If you wish to target your posting to students from particular programs/program clusters, please select which area(s) apply.  If you make no selections, opportunities will be open to students in all programs/program clusters by default.

Select all
Agriculture/Food Business Management
Animal Health
Environmental and Conservation Sciences
Environmental Studies
Forest Business Management
Human Ecology
Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment
Nutrition and Food Science
Agriculture, Forestry and the Environment
Select All
Business Economics and Law
Business Studies
Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise
Human Resource Management
International Business
Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment
Operations, Organization and Information Management
Retailing and Services
Business, Management, Finance and Administration
Select all
Active Living, Health and Well Being
Activity and Nutrition
Central East European Studies
Classical Studies
Clothing and Textiles
Cultural and Managerial Studies of Sports and Leisure
Cultural Studies
Development Studies
East Asian Studies
Film Studies
Greek and Latin
Hebrew (Biblical)
Latin American Studies
Library and Information Sciences
Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Native Studies
Philosophy and Religion
Political Science
Recreation, Sport and Tourism
Sports and Leisure
Culture, Information, Recreation and Tourism
Select all
Combined (Drama, Human Ecology, Kinesiology, Music, Native Studies, Science)
Educational Policy Studies
Educational Psychology
Elementary - Francophone/Immersion
Library and Information Studies
Secondary - Francophone/Immersion
Select all
Chemical and Materials
Civil and Environmental
Computer and Electrical
Mining and Petroleum
Select all
Art and Design
Fine Arts
Select all
Active Living, Health and Well Being
Activity and Nutrition
Adapted Physical Activity
Dental Hygiene
Health Promotions
Medical Laboratory Science
Medicine and Medical Science
Nutrition and Food Science
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Public Health
Speech Language Pathology
Healthcare and Social Services
Select all
Classical Studies
Creative Writing
East Asian Studies
Environmental Studies
Film Studies
Greek and Latin
Human Ecology
Human Geography
Latin American Studies
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Native Studies
Philosophy and Religion
Planning - Urban and Land Use
Political Science
Science, Technology and Society
Women and Gender Studies
Humanities & Social Sciences
Select all
Biological Sciences
Computing Science
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Nutrition and Food Science
Medical Laboratory Science
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Medicine and Medical Science
Planning - Urban and Land Use
Science, Technology and Society
Science & Technology
Native Studies
Other programs
Application deadline *
Deadlines will default to 11:59pm on the date provided, unless otherwise indicated. If you wish to close your application at a different time (e.g. 4:30pm), please indicate this in "other information" below.
Application requirements *
Check all that apply.  
How would you like students to apply?  *
Other Information
Include here any other information that applicants need to know. For example: 
  • If you wish for your opportunity to close at a time other than 11:59pm on the deadline date, indicate the desired time here. 
  • If you selected "other" in application requirements, please specify the requirements here.  
  • If you would like applications emailed to an address other than the one listed in your profile, please include it here. 
  • If you would like students to apply through your own website or Google Form (rather than via campusBRIDGE), please provide details here. 
Next steps
Once you submit this form, URI staff will review the information and may follow up with you if we require additional information. You will receive an email confirmation once we have created your profile and posted your opportunity. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at uri@ualberta.ca!

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