Tri-Alliance Virtual Race Series 2020 - Registration
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Name *
Tri-Alliance Annual Member *
Email *
Select the category you wish to enter: *
Do you have a tracking device (Garmin, Polar, Apple Watch etc)? If yes, name your primary make & model: *
Do you have a Smart Trainer? If yes, name your smart trainer make & model: *
I declare that my weight and height and any other data used to calibrate equipment shall be accurate and be measured between 30 and 60 minutes prior to the start of the race, and that I may be required to produce evidence (time and date-stamped photo). Such measurements should be taken when clothed in attire that will be worn during the race. *
I agree and acknowledge that participation in the Tri-Alliance Virtual Race Series relies on participants' honesty and Tri-Alliance reserves the right to verify any performances. Riders that produce unverifiable, unusual, inconsistent or unrealistic results shall be disqualified unless evidence can be provided to demonstrate otherwise that the performance was valid. *
By signing below and registering and/or participating in the Tri-Alliance Race Series, I hereby acknowledge that participation requires moderate levels of fitness and endurance and that I am medically able and properly trained to take part in the series.  I will consult my doctor before entering the series if necessary and it is my responsibility to check and ensure that at all times during the series, I am medically and physically fit to participate in the activities.  If I become aware of any medical condition and or am uncertain of my state of fitness prior to a race, then I will seek medical practitioner advice and or not participate.  I declare that I am in good physical condition and am able to safely complete the series and have no medical condition that would make my participation in the event more hazardous.  I am aware that completing the race series in my own home is at my own risk and or if I choose to complete the series outdoors on public roads and facilities open to the public that these are not owned by Tri-Alliance and upon which hazards are to be expected and that these hazards cannot be controlled or mitigated by Tri-Alliance.  By participating in the series I accept and assume all risks associated with participating in the series, including without limitation risks of permanent injury or death due to falls, obstacles, equipment, effect of weather, traffic and conditions of any road or other surface on which the event is held and responsibility for any discomfort, illness, injury or accident which may occur while I am preparing for the series or during the series; and I hereby waive, release, covenant not to sue and forever discharge all persons, corporations and other associations associated directly or indirectly with the series, including Tri-Alliance Pty Ltd, series sponsors, coaches and staff, against all liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that I may have against them arising out of or with my participation in the series. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and I have read this document and understand and accept the terms and conditions it contains. *
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