Volunteer as a Judge!
Help celebrate student media as a judge in the nation's longest-running student media festival, the California Student Media Festival! All judges are provided an orientation session, a rubric and two weeks to score their category (roughly 15 entries per judge). All told, judging should require about 3-4 hours of time maximum, and is a fabulous professional development tool. It will help you become better at supporting the students in your life at creating media!  

Please complete this form by April 8, 2025 to be included among this year's judges. You will be asked to complete your scoring between a two week window in April.

You'll also get an invite to attend the festival!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Firstname *
Lastname *
Email Address *
NOTE: we use Google sheets for scoring. Please share an email address that can easily access documents in a Google Drive environment. This could be a gmail.com email, or any email associated with your Google account. Don't fret - we can help get you set up if this is new to you!

If you object to using a Google account, we are happy to help you find a different way to volunteer.
Phone *
Role *
Curricular, Category, Medium & Division Expertise
Please share any expertise you have for particular age ranges, curricular areas, media (film, photography, 3D printing, AR/VR, etc.), fiction/non-fiction in the box below. NOTE: we cannot guarantee that we will slot you into a judging category that matches, but we will take these considerations in mind.
Time Commitment *
Please mark 'I agree' below if you will watch our judging orientation and will have 3-4 hours to devote to judging in April 2025.
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