Submission Form for Art Projects and Installations for RoBurn

Thank you for your interest in submitting an art project or installation for Roburn! We are committed to promoting sustainability and minimizing our environmental impact, and we encourage artists to do the same. Please consider the following sustainability principles/requirements when designing your project:

  • Upcycle materials: Use existing materials as much as possible and consider repurposing materials that would otherwise be discarded.
  • Adapt materials from the surrounding environment: Use natural or locally-sourced materials that blend in with the environment.
  • Consider the environmental impact: Minimize the use of non-renewable resources and choose materials that are biodegradable or recyclable.
  • Recycling: Plan for the responsible disposal or recycling of any waste generated during the project's construction or installation.
  • Leave no trace behind: Ensure that your project does not leave any permanent damage to the environment or the site where it is installed.

To apply, please complete the following form with all relevant information about your project. Note that all fields are required, and incomplete submissions will not be considered.

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Project Title:


Project Description: Please provide a brief description of your project, including the concept, materials, and intended impact on the RoBurn community. (max 500 words)


Project Category: Please select the category that best describes your project


Project Dimensions: Please provide the height, width, and depth of your project in meters.


Installation Requirements: Please describe the setup and installation requirements for your project, including any necessary equipment, power, or transportation needs. (max 500 words)


Safety Plan: Please provide a detailed safety plan for your project, including any potential hazards and how they will be mitigated. (max 500 words)


Budget: Please provide a detailed budget for your project, including all expected costs for materials, transportation, and other expenses.


Project Team: Please provide the names, email addresses, and roles of all team members involved in the project, including any relevant experience in art, design, or construction.

Contact Information: Please provide your name, email address, and phone number so that we can contact you regarding your submission.


By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions of RoBurn, including the following:

* You are responsible for all aspects of your project, including design, construction, setup, teardown, and leave no trace.

* You will ensure that your project is safe, secure, and does not pose a risk to any participants or the environment.

* You will comply with all rules and regulations of RoBurn, the 10 Principles of Burning Man, as well as all applicable local laws and regulations.

* You grant RoBurn the right to use images and videos of your project for promotional purposes.

Thank you for your submission, and we look forward to reviewing your project!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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