BelieversEd One-on-One Student Success Coaching Enrollment Form
Thank you for your interest in Believers Education Collaborative's One-on-One Student Success Coaching service. Please plan to complete this form in one sitting (it takes about 5-10 minutes to complete) and cannot be partially saved.

NOTE: One-on-One Student Success Coaching is based on our availability. We will contact you after you complete this form to review your responses and to discuss payment and scheduling. Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to serving you soon!
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Email *
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number *
First Name of Youth: *
Last Name of Youth: *
Youth's Gender: *
What is your youth's current grade-level? *
Which coaching service are you looking to purchase? *
How many sessions are you looking to purchase? *
How did you hear about Believers Education Collaborative, LLC? *
Which of the areas does your youth need the most support? Select up to eight topics. *
What additional information, if any, would you like us to know about your child prior to our session? *
I understand that completing this form does not guarantee my spot in a session and that I must pay prior to being officially registered for my sessions. *
Please indicate today's date below. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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