BIPOC Youth Climbing Shoe Library
This is an application for youth of color to borrow climbing shoes from Climbers Of Color. Find out more about us at

**The shoe library is free. Chalk bags also available in limited supply.

The climbing shoe library is for youth of color up to age 18. Loans can be up to 3 months, or until the shoe needs to be re-soled (guidelines will be provided).

Shoes will have to be picked up at a specified location in the Seattle area. If you have no transportation, please reach out and we can try to work something out.

Parents/guardians must be present for picking up or dropping off shoes.

Thank you to our shoe sponsor La Sportiva and the Gear Climbing Collective.

Questions or comments? Email
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Parent/Guardian Contact Name(s) and pronouns *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Secondary Phone Number
Email *
We pride ourselves on being a Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color lead and participant entity to create a space of healing. Does the youth identify as BIPOC? (Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color) *
Visit this site for an interpretation of BIPOC:
Name of Youth and Pronouns *
Preferred Name (Optional)
Youth's Age
Is the youth Disabled? *
What disability do you have?
At this time, Climbers of Color does not have any prosthetics. If you have a specific prosthetic request, please email us.
Approximate street shoe size *
If you know what size you are looking for in a particular climbing shoe brand, please list as well.
How did you learn about Climbers of Color? (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Friend, etc.) *
This information helps us better focus our outreach strategies.
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