2023 Summer School Registration BUHS
Summer school will be offered in person on the Brawley Union High School campus. Students will be able to make up D's and F's. The courses that will be offered will depend on student requests and available staffing. Students may have the opportunity to take up to 2 classes. Please complete and submit this form by Friday, May 12th.  Please contact your class counselor with any questions.
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Student Expectations and Attendance Requirements
BUHS Summer School will be from June 12 - June 30.  Classes will meet in person Monday - Friday.  There will be no school on Monday, June 19th to celebrate Juneteenth.  There is a morning session from 8:00-11:00am and an afternoon class from 11:30am - 2:30pm.  Students are expected to attend every day and be on time.  As this program is short and quick, there is no time to manage behavior issues and students who do not follow the BUHS Discipline rules will be asked to leave the program.  
By checking beside the box below student and parent are acknowledging that you have read and understand the enrollment, attendance, and behavior expectations for all students. *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
ID Number *
Current Grade *
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