Doctoral Workshop
Dear PhD Students,

The Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business organises (EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 „Young researchers from talented students” project aimed at activities fostering scientific careers in higher education) a Doctoral Workshop for all the International and Hungarian PhD Students.

The date of the Doctoral Workshop: 8 December 2020 (Tuesday) 10.00-12.00

The place of the presentation: Cisco Webex Meeting

The title of the presentation: Publishing in Q1 marketing journals

Lecturer: Tamara Keszey (Head Of Department, Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Marketing Management, e-mail:

The PhD seminar aims to support marketing doctoral students in crafting their research by providing students with skills essential for publication in top-tier academic sources. The course is designed for students who already have authored a research paper (e.g., assignment paper, conference paper, book chapter, etc.), which might be in preliminary or in more advanced phase, that aimed to be further developed.

The course covers the most important aspects of writing a cutting-edge publication and getting published, including the configuration of an academic paper, methods of literature review to help doctoral candidates strengthening the theoretical embeddedness of their work and managing the review process.

After the meeting during the Discussion you can ask questions to the Distinguished Guest of the Doctoral School.

All the Hungarian and International PhD Students have to register and take part in the Workshop:

With best regards,

Prof. Dr. Péter Balgoh
Head of Doctoral School
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