HYP Leadership Award Nomination Form
We invite HYP members to nominate young professionals that are making an impact along our lakeshore community. If you know someone in the working world who has shown exemplary leadership, a dedication to the Holland/Zeeland area, or a drive for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion nominate them here! 

If you have any questions or additional information, please email info@behyp.org. 
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Nominator's (That's You!) First and Last Name:  *
Nominator's Email: *
Nominator's Phone Number: *
Nominator's Relationship to Nominee: *
Please select the award you are nominating for: *
Name of Nominee:
Please Include his/her name, organization, and title
Nominee Email: *
Nominee Phone Number:  *
Why do you think this nominee is uniquely qualified to win this award based on the category description provided?
Describe a recent achievement(s) of the nominee related to the award category:
How does the nominee elevate and embody the HYP Core Values?
Anything else you want to mention?
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