2020 MAEOE Conference - Exploring Connections: Linking Nature, People and Mindfulness
February 6-9, 2020, the Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education will bring together educators, resource personnel, scientists and researchers to share their experiences and ideas at the Princess Royale in Ocean City, MD. Now is your chance to be part of the annual conference! Do you have great ideas, lesson plans, or favorite STEAM and/or NGSS activities you want to share? Have you dialed in on becoming more mindful and in tune with nature making you a better educator? Do you have knowledge to share on Environmental Education topics? Please read through the instructions found on the MAEOE website www.maeoe.org before you fill out the RFP.

Please remember all Saturday presenters are required to register for the conference.  If you are selected as a presenter, you will be notified in time to register at the lowest possible rates.
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Primary Presenter First Name *
Primary Presenter Last Name *
Job Title *
Organization *
Email address *
Primary phone number *
Secondary phone number *
Have you presented at a MAEOE conference before? *
Presentation title *
Strand theme - (Please choose the strand that best fits your presentation)  We encourage you to emphasize how you incorporate technology, NGSS, STEAM, and EE standards into your curriculum. *
Session type *
Primary Audience Level (mark the box or boxes that apply to your session): *
Maximum number of participants if applicable (Thursday, Friday & Sunday only)
Minimum number of participants if applicable (Thursday, Friday & Sunday only)
Detailed Description: Provide an outline of what you will do during your workshop or session. Provide enough detail so reviewers will have a good idea of what will happen during your workshop or session. Limit 3000 characters (400-500 words). Please note that the Thursday Professional Development Institute is a focused, content-based program. Participants explore current topics in significant depth. These courses complement the applied methodologies that will be explored on Friday and Saturday. *
Program Description (less than 500 characters - 100 words) - This is the description that will go in the program and entice people to come to your session - so sell it! Be descriptive enough for conference attendees, but concise. This may be edited in the final program. *
How would you like your room set up? (This is not a guarantee your room will be set up this way; we will do our best to accommodate you).  All presenters must provide their own laptop (and speakers if needed); screens and projectors will be provided.  If you are using an Apple product, please bring the appropriate adaptor to connect it to a projector, this will NOT be provided by MAEOE. Please select your first choice. *
Other special considerations related to your presentation:
Secondary Presenter First and Last Name (Note: We will only send emails to the Primary Presenter. It is the responsibility of the Primary Presenter to communicate conference-related information to other presenters). Only two presenters will be listed in the program and included in the lunch on Thursday or Friday. If you have more than two presenters you may list them in the presentation description and you will need to register them for a guest lunch (Thurs or Fri).  
Secondary Presenter Job Title:
Secondary Presenter Organization:
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