Membership Cancellation Request Form

We genuinely care about your experience at Past Tense and we are committed to continuously improving. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we would love the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments.

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First and Last Name *
Phone number *
Email *
What date would you like your cancellation to take effect? Keep in mind, as stated in our policies, we request 30-days notice.  *
Could you please share what has led to your decision to cancel?

If you are canceling because you’ll be out of town for an extended period, do you know we have a variety of hybrid classes and full on-demand library? 

If you’re canceling because you’ll be away for an extended period, do you plan on re-joining on your return? 

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Is there anything you'd like to share with us about your experience at Past Tense?
Thank you! We review cancellations once a week and will email you a confirmation once it's been processed. 
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