GIVE Help as a Good Fairy Helper
Use this site to enter and update all of your Good Fairy Helper information. To see a description of the Good Fairy Helper process, please see our GIVE HELP page at

If you've already signed up with us as a Good Fairy Helper, please access your original confirmation email message and access the link in that message to update your record.  You only need to register with us once but you can make as many updates as you'd like.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Helper  name (first & last) *
Helper Phone number *
Helper Email Address *
Helper street address and city *
Helper Zip code *
This information is used to ensure that we're matching Helpers with people who are as close as possible to where they live. We currently only serve communities in Marin county.
Which type of Helper relationship do you prefer? *
From where can you provide your help? *
Recognizing that some Helpers may be housebound right now, we need to know all the ways that you can help.
My participation status *
Tell us whether you're currently available to take on Good Fairy requests for help. You can change your availability as many times as necessary in the future based on your needs.
What are your Good Fairy capabilities and interests? *
Please choose from one / more of the categories below and feel free to click the "Other" box and tell us more about what help you can offer the Good Fairy community.
Please tell us anything else you'd like about your participation as a Good Fairy Helper
These comments could address your availability, preferences or any restrictions that you have on participating.  The more we know about what you're able to do, the easier we can match you to someone who needs your help!
If you or your company have any 'expert' services to offer the Good Fairy community on a volunteer basis, please tell us more below
This information will be displayed in a special "Ask the Experts" page on our website. Please be as descriptive as possible.
Please indicate all of the languages you speak *
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