Discovery Form: Webpage Package Special
Thank you for your interest in our Summer Special! Please complete this form to help us understand your needs and determine if we're the perfect fit to collaborate on your website.

Complete the Discovery Form by September 13. If selected, you'll receive an invitation to book a consultation by September 20.

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What's your name?
Company Name
Company Location
Is your company registered with the state?
Why are you interested in working with Nice Media Group? What motivated you to complete this form?
Share more about your business, your goals (e.g. reach more customers, explain my services) and how you want to show up online. Please include links to existing websites and social media pages of your current business if applicable.
If we confirm our work together at Nice Media Group, there will be a non-refundable deposit of $250 prior to a consultation. Additional terms can be found on the web page.
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