Megaphone Interest Form

People with progressive values in North Dakota are frustrated. All day long they see and hear conservative voices and MAGA talking points come up everywhere! In their friend groups, at work, on text chains with their families. There is genuine hunger for a way to fight disinformation and to play a role in centering truth and progressive values. Read more!

How do we address these changes and challenges?

That’s where you come in! North Dakota Megaphone is a unique opportunity to become more engaged online with advocacy work. This will be especially important during the upcoming North Dakota legislative session and in the next few years to come.

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Do you want to help fight the spread of disinformation in North Dakota?

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Are you someone who enjoys actively participating on social media platforms?
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Do you have a few spare minutes each week to volunteer on social media?
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Are you enthusiastic about making things happen and creating change?
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(you will receive Megaphone login info at this email)
Want to Receive Texts Instead of Emails? Phone Number
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