Survey: Unsigned Artists and the Power of Fans

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!

Your valuable insights will help us shed light on the experiences of unsigned bands and the impact of fan support.

We are planning a 5 part blog series highlighting the challenges faced by original unsigned artists in the music industry.

Part 1: The Heartbeat of Live Music

Part 2: The Scant Stream: Why Streaming Doesn't Pay the Bills

Part 3: Beyond the Stage: Supporting Beyond the Gig

Part 4: The Playlist Power: Championing Unsigned Artists

Part 5: The Ripple Effect: How Your Support Fuels Dreams We will use the data collected in this survey to help illustrate the challenges faced and educate the public about how they they really help to support live music and keep the industry alive.

GDPR Statement

By completing this survey, you are consenting to the data being processed for the purposes of the blog series described.

The information given in your responses will be used only for the purposes of creating the blog series. Your personal data will not be disclosed in the articles. Simlarly, your band/act names will not be disclosed in the articles unless you give us permission to do so (there is a question in the survey asking this). Your data and responses will not be shared with any other party. We are using Google Surveys to collect this data. Google process this data on our behalf, but cannot disclose this data to any other party. After the creation of the blog series, the data collected in this survey will be destroyed.

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