RPC Town Hall for Community Input
The Reclaim Pride Coalition needs you!  We need our community to join us in organizing this year's Queer Liberation March and make this the most powerful march yet.

This Town Hall will be hosted at the NYC LGBT Center (208 West 13th Street), Friday, January 26th, 2024  from 7 - 9 pm,  with a virtual attendance option (register for link below).

Due to ongoing  security concerns, we ask participants to RSVP using the form below to attend. Press are also invited to attend.

[for the record: we don't distribute, sell or otherwise make public any personally identifying information we receive.]
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name *
Personal Pronouns *
Email Address *
We will send an event reminder and a link for the virtual attendance option.
Identities *
How do you identify within LGBTQIA2S+ communities?
Hybrid meeting preference *
This will be a hybrid meeting.... Let us know your preference for joining the meeting in-person (Manhattan location) or virtually (zoom, facebook live or youtube, among others).  

Masking and social distancing guidelines will be asked of folks in the in-person space (we are holding space for folks who may be immunocompromised among other reasons).  In-person space might be limited.
Is child minding needed? 
Based on the number of folks who sign up for child minding, we will enlarge or reduce the space needed.   

We ask that the children arrive alert and responsive, and that medications be administered by their guardian in advance of the Town Hall.  

Please select "Other" below to add detail to your child's needs.
Effacer la sélection
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
Ce formulaire a été créé dans Reclaim Pride NYC.