Sign-Up/Contact Form: Organize against Southeast Asian Deportations
If you are interested in staying updated about ongoing organizing efforts against Southeast Asian deportation, locally and nationally, please fill out this google form. The information you provide will be used for the Vietnamese Anti-Deportation Network, and Southeast Asian Deportation Defense Network, to be able to follow-up with you with opportunities to engage and organize against Southeast Asian deportation.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please feel free to reach out to Kevin Lam, Organizing Director with the Asian American Resource Workshop, at
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Are you interested in supporting an action in your city/state for the National Week of Action Against Southeast Asian Deportation?
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Are you interested in organizing an action in your city/state for the National Week of Action against Southeast Asian Deportation?
If there is already an action being planned in your local city/state, we can connect you with the local group/folks who are organizing that action to figure out how to plug in and support.
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