Lattice Lightsheet User Group - Registration Form

We would like to set up a lattice lightsheet user group so that we can share successes, challenges and advice for the relatively new technology of lattice lightsheet. We are thinking that we can have some sessions that focus on common challenges such as sample preparation, image analysis and data management and then perhaps have two subgroups to discuss instrument specific topics. For example, a subgroup specific for the inverted Zeiss version of the instrument and a second subgroup for the 3i and Home built designs.

Thank you for your interest in joining the Lattice Lightsheet User group. To facilitate communications please complete this google sign up.

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Contact & General Information
Name (first and last) *
Email address
Position (select all the apply)
Imaging Platform/Facility (if applicable)
The list below is non-exhaustive, please add your own Country in the free-text Other field if yours is not included, thank you!
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Lightsheet Questions
What lattice lightsheet system do you use?
How much experience do you have with lattice lightsheet?
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Does your institution allow access to Google docs/slides/forms/etc.?
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By submitting this form you consent to sharing your information with the organizers who will be helping to facilitate the meetings for this group and other participants within this User group only for purposes associated with user group activities.
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