MCA Volunteer Application
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering! All of our volunteerships include a membership in POCA, our international community acupuncture co-operative. You can check it out here:

Volunteers usually make a weekly or biweekly commitment to come in for 3-4 hours. Volunteers may choose to help at the front desk, with cleaning, by passing out flyers, or other clinic support. Front desk support includes welcoming patients at our front desk, answering the phone, taking payments, scheduling appointments, and being friendly!

If you're interested, complete & submit the form below! If you have questions or want to discuss volunteering in person, just stop by the clinic!

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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What is your preferred method of contact?
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How are you interested in helping? *
Check all that apply
Please list or describe any relevant past work/ volunteer history or skills
When are you available?
Check all that apply
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Anything you'd like to add?
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