Shabbat - To - Go
Sign up for your Shabbat treat bag! This is not a meal rather a taste of Shabbat where ever you are.
If you do not have access to a Shabbat meal otherwise, and would like one click below.

Sign up weekly by Thurs. evening to get yours!

If you have any comments or food allergies please let us know in the comments.

Looking forward to the Shabbat when we can host you again in person at Chabad!

Please make sure you are receiving our weekly emails for updates and everything at Chabad at UMD.
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Campus Address *
Can you pick up at Chabad? *
Yes! I want to be added to the weekly email
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A Taste of Shabbat or a complete meal.                                               - Please choose a meal if you don't have another option.  - *
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