Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada presents our Jack of Clubs Virtual Fitness Challenge 2020
$35 for one team (handler + dog); $15 for every extra dog

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Handler Full Name *
Email *
How many dogs will be participating with you? *
Dog Name(s) and Breed(s)
Address (number, street, city, province, postal code, country) *
Handler Age Category *
Activity Category *
Limited Mobility
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I agree to have my full name and score (km/miles) to be added to the online public list of participants. *
I will be paying by the following method: *
Are you a current JRTCC member? *
We would love to hear your suggestions! Tell us about fun challenges you would love to have us include each week for bonus points. For example "share a funny photo of you and your dog".
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