2023 Craptastic Question Ideas
Submit your craptastic question ideas here. We are too lazy to make our own shit up, so submit them for the longevity of this contest
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If we pick your shitty question, maybe you'll get a shoutout. Although, we might very well just steal your idea and say it was ours
Over/Under Question
These questions are typically worth 1 point and can be answered with a choice of Over/Under. Just like the daily "How many combined runs in this game"
Yes/No Question
These questions are typically worth 1 point and can be answered with a choice of Yes/No. Example: "Will Morales reach 3rd base"
Two answer Question
These questions are typically worth 1 point and can be answered with 2 possible answers. Example: Who will get more hits this game Tulo or Donaldson
MC Question
Usually worth 2 points. There could be multiple answers. Example: What inning will there be more runs scored? 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 9+.
Other Question Type *
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