Board Member Nominations, Fall 2023
Indicate the role for which you would like to run for election -or- the role for which you would like to volunteer.
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Mid NJ ATD – 2023 Board of Director Positions

VP: Operations: Oversees chapter activities relating to programs, financing, website management and record keeping to ensure compliance with ATD National policies. Collaborate with other directors as needed.

VP: Finance: Works on developing the chapter budget, approving invoices, and reviewing monthly reports provided by the chapter's bookkeeper. Collaborate with other directors as needed

VP: Marketing: Works on creating the marketing strategy for the chapter, chapter direction for chapter publicity including various social media channels and newsletter. Collaborate with other directors as needed

VP: Membership: Works on advancing the chapter's membership strategy and connecting with member to drive membership development and engagement. Collaborate with other directors as needed chapter.

VP: Diversity Equity, Inclusion (DEI): Create short and long term DEI goals for the chapter and outline best practices to integrate into chapter operations, aligned with chapter mission. Collaborate with other directors as needed

Indicate the role for which you would like to run. *
Choose Non-Board Volunteer Role *
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