Writing Sample and Student Questionnaire
Hello and Welcome to Berkeley Adult School! Please set aside about 30 minutes to give us a sample of your writing and answer a few questions about your educational goals. This information will help us place you in classes that best fit your needs and where you will have the best success. Thank you!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID (if available)
Birthdate--Click on the calendar to choose a date. *
Writing Sample
Pick ONE of the prompts below. Respond in a paragraph of 5-10 sentences. Type your answer in the space below the prompts.
Type your paragraph here (5-10 sentences). Remember, you only need to respond to ONE of the 4 prompts.
1. What are your educational goals at Berkeley Adult School?
 (Check all that apply.)
2. Are you currently employed?
3. If you have a job (paid or volunteer), what kind of work do you do?
4. What are your career/professional goals?
 (Check all that apply.)
5. Are you interested in one or more of these classes at BAS?
 (Check all that apply.)
6. How is your self confidence? 
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7. Which of these kinds of support might you need to stay in school and achieve your goals?
 (Check all that apply.)
8. What kind of internet access do you have at home?
(Check all that apply.)
9. How did you hear about Berkeley Adult School?
(Check all that apply.)
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