Back to School Giveaway
Before you fill out this form, read the Wishlist and Win giveaway details on my blog (link below). The grand prize is a $25 TpT gift card or any bundle in my TpT store worth up to $50 in value. You can enter as many times as you like, but you'll need to fill out a new entry form for each product that you add to your wishlist. If you enter more than once, you only need to respond to the survey question one time. The deadline for entering the giveaway is 9 pm ET on Monday, August 5th. Good luck! ~ Laura Candler

My TpT store:
Giveaway details:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
It's best to enter a personal email address here because schools often block outside emails. If you are already on my email list, enter your subscriber email address because you know it works. Disclaimer: This giveaway is for Candler's Classrooms Connections subscribers only, so if you aren't already on my email list, you'll be added at some point after submitting this form.  
What is the name of the product you added to your TpT wishlist? *
Enter the name of one product from Laura Candler's TpT store that you added to your wishlist. Enter only ONE product each time you enter.
Enter the URL of the product here *
The directions for copying and pasting the URL of the product are in the blog post with the giveaway details.
Why do you want to win this product? *
Why do you want to win this product in particular? Do you plan to use it in the classroom, for distance learning, or for at-home support? The more detail you include about WHY you want to win it and how you plan to use it, the better your chances of winning!
Back to School Survey (Optional)
Are you already back in school? If not, when do you go back to school? How can I help? What are some of the greatest challenges you expect to face this fall? What resources will you need in the coming weeks and months?  
Comments? (Optional)
If there's anything else you'd like to ask me or to share with me, this is your chance! :-)
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