Form for Honorable Editorial Team Member
Dear Respected Researcher,
It would be highly appreciated if you apply for the position Chief-in-Editor position for your desired journal. To apply for this position please click on the following link after submitting this form and read carefully the following requirements.

The applicant should meet the following requirements.
  1. Applicant should have academic publication background,
  2. It would be highly appreciated if the applicant is a PhD holder,
  3. For this position the applicant should provide all the information asked below,
  4. The applicant should provide authentic information.
  5. The applicant should fill up this form before submitting this application.
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Email *
Name *
Select Your Desired Role *
Designation *
Department/Institute/Center/Others *
Research Areas *
Name of University or Organization *
Address of the organization
Phone number
Country *
Website Link (Google Scholar/Researchgate/ORCID Link) *
Please select the Journal that match with your interest (You can select one more option) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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