Form for EVS in Arrabal-AID
Arrabal AID is a non-governmental organization, with almost twenty years of experience, whose mission is to improve the social and working conditions of the population, especially of the more vulnerable communities, as to be able to achieve a fairer and more supportive social role model. Arrabal AID, according to its values and principles, gives support to every person, promoting equal opportunities and supporting these communities helping them to reach their goals and achievements in a self-sufficient way. 

Since its beginnings, ARRABAL has relied on a multidisciplinary team, and on a clear vision of what should be social intervention and transformation, which has given us a self-identity, making of us a Third Sector reference in Málaga. Regarding our staff, we rely on different professionals from various areas: social work, psychology, social education, teaching, pedagogy, communication, business administration and law.

Do you want develop a SVE in Spain? Arrabal-AID, from Málaga, invite to social and committed youths to participate!
Starting Date: September 2019      
Endind Date:  September 2020
Duration 12 Months
Deadline for submitting applications:  21/04/2019 (19:00h in Spain)
Skype interviews: 22-24 of April 2019 (You must be aviable to do skype some of theses days. Always if you have an invitation email).

We seek 4 volunteers for 2019, (should the project be approved), BUT THIS E-FORM IS ONLY FOR >>
SOCIAL SUPPORT IN INNOVATION PROJECTS AND SOCIAL WORKSHOPS VACANCY (for example prioners)<<  Candidates only can apply for one vacancy:

- Researching information.
- Visits to area resources.
- Work in strategic planning for Arrabal.
- Administrative tasks for the presentation of projects.
- Team work for the development of ideas and projects.
- Workshops for people en risk exclusion: english, create cv, use computer... and we open at your ideas.
- Creating new activities for our target.
- Promotion of EVS, Youth exchanges, Erasmus entrepeneurship... ERASMUS+
- Other tasks that may arise.

The 4 volunteers will be able to create a workshop focused on the teaching of their language, their national traditions. In order to work within multiculturalism within the organization, benefiting both the users of the organization as the staff themselves.


> > Suscribe at our Youtube chanel:
> > Follow us  in Twitter: @ArrabalAID
> > Like in fanpage Facebook:

More information about us
> > 2018
> > Youth website:<>
> >  European portal:<>

The volunteers will be able to create a workshop focused on the teaching of their language, their national traditions. In order to work within multiculturalism within the organization, benefiting both the users of the organization as the staff themselves.


 -As a socializing element, the volunteer may take part in activities as, for instance, cinema sessions, trips, weekly radio programme, concerts and theatre plays we will make in our association free time. He/she will also participate in the organization Assemblies, as well as in all the acts and activities of the organization working fields.
- The contact with other EVS volunteers from Málaga province be will also be facilitated, with the purpose of sharing experience, expectations, etc.
- The volunteer opinion will also be taken into account, as well as his/her suggestions to take part in other activities of the organization which may be of interest to him/her.
- Regarding accommodation, we propose that the volunteer share a flat with other EVS youngsters.
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What SVE project do you want develop?
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Name and surname:
Age and date of birth:
Address | State | Country:
I know speak in... (languages):
Education, training, formation:
Current status
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Work experience (job,charge, activities...):
Have you participated in any action of the European Youth in Action Programme? Tell us your experience
Have you participated or participate in any association or social organization? Tell us your experience
Have you ever been to Spain? And in Malaga?
Do you participate in any NGO or social moving?
In Arrabal-AID we use the social networks like inclusive tool. Do you use blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or other digital tools?
What do you think about of the EVS program of the Arrabal Association?
Do you participate in EVS from an association (Could you tell us the name and mision?) or You are searching by your self?
Motivational letter for your EVS in Arrabal
Your space, tell us something!
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