Coaching Application
All of what we hope to achieve and provide to our players requires dedicated volunteers.  The TBWHA Junior division is seeking coaches who embody and promote the core values of Fair Play, Fun, Excellence, Good Citizenship, Integrity & Honesty, and Equity.  We are looking to provide a safe and enjoyable environment with a focus on FUNdamentals, development and fair play and where every girl has equal opportunity to participate and is made to feel equally valued.  If you feel you can contribute as a coach we encourage you to apply by answering the questions below.  We would love to get to know you better and hear your ideas - so please give yourself some time to answer all of the questions. Please also review OWHA Requirements.  We thank all of those in advance for applying!
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? (Check all that apply) *
Which age group(s) are you interested in? (Check all that apply) *
Do you have a daughter(s) and/or family member(s) in TBWHA?  If so, what age group are they expected to play in in the upcoming? (Check all that apply)
What is your current coaching qualification level? *
Which of the following additional requirements do you currently have? (check all that apply)
If you do not currently have all position requirements, are you willing to obtaining them?
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Please list other relevant training courses/certifications.
Please include HTCP if applicable. 
Have you coached before?  If yes, please tell us about your experience.  Please include who you coached for, the age of players and duration.
Please note we are currently experiencing a shortage of goalies across Junior Division.  If you have any experience coaching goalies please highlight it.
Why are you interested in a coaching position within TBWHA's Junior Division? *
A priority for the TBWHA Junior Division is to expand and strengthen the house league and to make more opportunities available to all girls.  What suggestions do you have or what contributions could you make towards this priority? *
We are looking to create an environment within TBWHA where all girls have have equal opportunity to participate and where all girls are made to feel equally valued.    What are some ways you will or can support and foster this environment? *
TBWHA is entirely supported by volunteers and there are always more who are needed.  OWHA has specific minimum requirements for each team, that includes minimum mandatory certifications & training.  What are some of the ideas you have or the ways in which you feel you can encourage and support other volunteers? *
Do you know anyone who may consider volunteer positions with TBWHA, either as a coach or within another role (trainer, manager, dressing room monitor, etc)?  If so, please share their name and contact information below so that we can make sure they receive any important information. 
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?  
Thank you very much for your application.  Once we have a chance to review coaching applications we will be in touch.  We may wish to ask you some additional follow-up questions as we consider the needs of the Junior Division.  In the meantime we recommend that you check out OWHA coaching resources and other links available on the TBWHA website.  All volunteers will be required to be registered with OWHA and obtain all required certifications/training.  All positions require a current vulnerable sector screening (VSS). 
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