Animal Advocacy Careers advising call application
Animal Advocacy Careers’ will aim to do a maximum of 5 calls per week with applicants we feel we can add the most benefit too. By completing this form, you agree to participate fully in AAC’s advising service, including choosing an appropriate time for the call and completing the follow-up surveys that are sent to you (10 to 20 minutes total).

Your answers will be used to help set the agenda of your careers advice call. We expect that people will find these questions useful for clarifying their thinking about their career. We’ll email you a copy of your answers after you submit the form.

We expect that this application form will take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.
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Email *
First Name *
Surname *
Mobile / cell phone number *
This may be used to send you a single text reminder to complete the follow-up surveys but will not be used for any other purpose. If you are not happy with sharing this information, please just state so in the box below — this will not affect your application.
Country and location
Which of the following areas are you interested in focusing on through your career? *
If you've never really looked into the topic (e.g. spent fewer than 2 hours reading or listening to resources about it), we'd encourage you to select "Unsure."
Unsure, or have not considered this
High interest/priority
Moderate interest/priority
Low interest/priority
Climate change
Animals used for scientific testing
Wild animals (focused on the suffering/welfare of animals)
Building effective altruism
Farmed animals
Wild animals (focused on biodiversity and conservation)
Companion animals
Improving health or addressing poverty in poorer countries
Animals used for labour or entertainment
Other causes focused on the long-term future (e.g. AI safety research)
What sorts of roles are you interested in focusing on through your career? *
Unsure, or have not considered this
High interest/priority
Moderate interest/priority
Low interest/priority
Relevant research in academia
Work for a for-profit animal-free food company
Working directly for a nonprofit
Earning to give (maximising income in the for profit sector in order to donate to effective animal advocacy organisations)
Setting up a new company
Setting up a new charity
Related legal work, e.g. animal welfare law
Policy and politics
(Optional) Were there any role types not mentioned in the above list that you are highly interested in?
(300 characters limit, but much shorter is fine)
Which of the following areas of expertise are you interested in focusing on developing through your career? *
Unsure, or have not considered this
High interest/priority
Moderate interest/priority
Low interest/priority
Other technical skills, e.g. web or software development
Management or leadership
Campaigns, corporate engagement, or volunteer management
Government, policy, lobbying, or legal
Natural sciences
Marketing or communications
Operations, administration, and HR
Are you actively seeking a new role to improve your impact for animals? *
Tell us how you’re currently thinking about your career. For example, what do you think your top options are, and what are their biggest pros and cons? *
What kind of work are you planning to do? What are you planning to study? What problem area are you planning to work on? Try to be as specific as possible. If you have no clear plans, just say that. You could answer this by detailing what information would help you decide on which is your best option, or just with pros and cons for each possibility.
What’s your backup plan, in case you are struggling to make progress on your top options? *
Tell us about one or two things that you think are amongst your most impressive achievements. *
This could be an academic result, an extracurricular project which went well, or something from your worklife. We’re particularly interested in achievements that speak to your potential to work on our priority areas. (2000 characters limit)
How do you see the careers advice call being beneficial to you? What are you hoping it will help you to achieve? *
What are your key uncertainties in your career planning? *
What are the things you’re unsure about, with regards to what your top job/career options are? What information is most likely to change your ranking of which options you will focus on? (2000 characters limit)
Please link to your LinkedIn profile so we can learn more about your background. If you don’t have LinkedIn, a CV in a Google Doc would be fine. *
If using a Google Doc, please ensure it is set to "anyone with the link can view." To find your personal LinkedIn URL, just visit, click on your photo or name to get to your profile, and then copy in the website link. It should look like this:
Have you read any of these?
If you haven't read these and want to dive into it, here are some links:
How much would you say that you know about effective altruism? *
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