Irresistible Virtual Events Application Form For A FREE Discovery Call with Anna Andrea
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number (with country code)
What's your Birth Date
Social Media Account Links Where You Are The Most Active (Facebook, Instagram, LIinkedIN, Tiktok, etc) *
What kind of business are you growing? (ex. coaching, consultation practice, affiliate marketing, etc) *
What kind of industry are you in? *
What's the main goal you want to achieve in the next 6 months with your online business? *
What is the goal of your event? *
What type of virtual event you want to create? *
What's your budget for this project? (not including ad spent, tools or other team members) *
Has anyone referred you to me? If so, who? Or Where did we meet or found me? *
Is there anything else I should know about this virtual event you want to put together?
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