Evaluation for the third Learning Teaching Activity in Portugal (24th to 30th March 2019)
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Name: *
0 Punkte
Country *
The preparation ( information given, meeting with parents, ....) to the mobility was *
0 Punkte
The trip was
0 Punkte
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The hotel was
0 Punkte
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The meals were *
What activities did you participate between the mobilities? *
The activities between the mobilities were *
What  activities did you participate during the meeting mobility? *
How do you rate the activities you did during the meeting mobility? *
Take photos
Ice breaking activity
Visit the school
Cultural visits
Write the summary of our days
Work in groups
work on mini companies
Present the mini companies
Ceremony certificate
Choose your best activities ? *
In general the activities during the mobilities were *
What would you have done and that we didn't do ? *
How can we improve the next mobility? *
Did you improve your English ? *
Did you learn some words in your partners' language ? *
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