Share your Arts Story!
ARTS Missoula would love to hear your art story! We know the arts have made great impacts on people's lives. That's why we do what we do. So, we want to hear from YOU.  We feel inspired by stories about how the arts have played a role in the lives of our community members, and we know others will too.

Please feel free to respond to the prompts below in as little or as much detail as you feel necessary. After we receive entries we will post select stories on our website blog and Facebook page!

Here are a few prompts to get you started:
1. Give us a short bio about yourself and how the arts have worked in your life
2. How have the arts changed your life?
3. What is an art related memory you have?
4. Why do you love the arts?
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Name *
Where are you from? *
Tell us your art story! *
Do we have permission to post the above responses on our blog (at and on our social media platforms? *
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