【申請書A】2023年度秋学期大学院生日本語科目履修申請書 *提出期限:2023年8月31日(木) 日本時間16:00
【Application Form A-AY2023 Fall】Application Form for Japanese Language Courses *Deadline: 4:00pm on August 31 (Thu), 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
The form 【申請書A】2023年度秋学期大学院生日本語科目履修申請書 *提出期限:2023年8月31日(木) 日本時間16:00
【Application Form A-AY2023 Fall】Application Form for Japanese Language Courses *Deadline: 4:00pm on August 31 (Thu), 2023 (Japan Standard Time) is no longer accepting responses.
Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.