AMLE Early Career Mentorship Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in AMLE's early Career mentorship and support network! Those interested will be contacted in late August with more information about mentor orientation and to be paired with their mentee.

AMLE Early Career Mentorship Program Mentor Overview

  • Program Duration: Anticipated 1-2 year cycle
  • Frequency: Monthly, virtual, meetings with your mentee(s), supported by mentor guides with topics that follow the academic year and refer to The Successful Middle School: This We Believe. Sporadic emails as mentees reach out with questions/for support.
  • Expectations: Your support should be in addition to whatever systems are in place to support their professional growth at their school. It is not meant to replace or override any school or district policy, procedure, or practice. We ask that mentors respect the dignity of all while providing their mentee with guidance, support, networking, a collaborative ear, and goal setting for their career.
  • Training: Mentors will receive an orientation that will be held virtually. Those unable to attend will receive a link to the recorded orientation. AMLE’s Early Career Educator Committee will be available to support and answer mentor questions throughout the year and will be provided with a mentor guide and talking points for when difficult conversations arise. 
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