BLO Membership Request Form

If you see us on the street, we are always open to folks coming up and playing with us. If you want to get more involved, please fill out the form below.
B.L.O. is open to all musical levels. Please check out our politics and look over some of our past actions to see if you think we would be a good fit. 

Please briefly answer this questionnaire (no need for essays), so we can learn a little bit about you and how you might fit the band's current needs:

Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone *
Instrument(s) you play, or performance role you would like to play with BLO (could be dance, flag, tactical support, chanter, something else to blow our minds? *

How long you have played your instrument(s),

and/or how recently you have picked it back up?

(or your experience with your chosen performance role)

What kind of groups/situations have you played/performed in? (ie high school band, busking on my own) ?

Please read the BLO Points of Unity. Do you feel aligned with these political points?  (yes/no answer is fine)

How did you hear about BLO, and why are you interested in joining ?
What kind of political or community organizing projects have you been involved in?
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