Help Wanted
We are currently looking for part time housekeeping help.  No experience needed, though it is a plus. The right candidate would be reliable, hard working, able to work mornings, have a positive attitude, able to take constructive criticism, and always willing to work as a team. Our housekeeping staff mainly work the hours of 9am-1pm a few days a week, occasionally later. If you have any questions you can always email us ( or give us a call at 563-252-1615
Please complete the following application and we will be in touch! 
We appreciate you taking the time and thank you.
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Email *
First and last name *
Date of birth *
Address *
Phone number *
Best time to reach you *
How would you prefer to be contacted? *
Are you currently employed? *
Are you currently enrolled in school? *
Experience: Please list any job or educational experience that you have, even if it doesn't directly relate to housekeeping *
What are some of your strengths and best qualities? (Examples: dependable, friendly, get along with everyone, willing to learn etc.) *
What are your weaknesses or areas you feel you could improve in? (Examples: being on time, staying focused, following directions etc.) *
Would you be able to work on short notice? *
What days would you be able to work? *
How many hours a week would be ideal for you to work? *
Please list your last 3 employers, dates you worked there, and reason for separation. If no work experience Just put N/A *
Please provide contact information for 3 people we can call for character references. Do not include immediate family members. *
Please tell us one interesting fact about yourself. *
Tell us what it is that motivates you on a daily basis. *
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?? *
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