AcroLove Teacher Training Application 2024
To secure your room, place $1400 deposit to Venmo or PayPal. After deposits, payment plans can be scheduled on individual need. Message @acroloveteachers to set up a plan or see next steps HERE.

More info can be found here. Click links for training, rooms and activities, travel logistic and more info HERE.
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Email *
Full Name *
Which Teacher Training are you applying for?  *
Phone number *
Best form of contact. Please type or provide link *
Instagram profile URL. Please include full URL (example)
Facebook profile. Please provide full URL
Where do you live? 
What acro communities have you been active in?
List teachers/coaches you have trained with, intensives, formal trainings, acro or movement related trainings 
Give us an idea of your skill level: L-based, give an example of a flow or machine you are proficient in basing/flying, standing skills, group work or give a good example of your acro progress...If possible please provide a video link of your acro practice.  *
Have you ever been asked to not attend a class, workshop, or jam?
What is your preferred roll in acro? *
Are there any teachers or people that you think we may know in common? (you can skip this if we already know each other)
What are your goals attending this training? (You can add this later)
Do you have any questions for us? Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
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