TIS School Tour Request Form / TIS 校園導賞預約
Join us for a personalized school tour and discover the unique educational experience we offer for your child. Please fill in the form below, and our admission team will contact you as soon as possible.

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Preferred Day of the Week (you can choose more than one) 首選參觀日子(可多選) *
Preferred Time (you can choose more than one) 首選參觀的時間(可多選) *
Academic Year Applied For 有意報讀的學年 *
Grade Interested In (you can choose more than one) 有意報讀的年級(可多選) *
Preferred Language (you can choose more than one) 首選參觀語言(可多選) *
Number of Visitors 參觀人數 *
Contact Person 聯絡人 *
Contact Email 聯絡電郵 *
Contact No 聯絡電話 *
If there is anything specific you wish to know about TIS, please let us know, and we will incorporate it into the tour. Thank you!
若您希望進一步了解有關 TIS 的任何資訊,請告知我們,屆時有關職員會跟進並將資訊納入參觀行程。謝謝!
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