Electronic Signature Required
Thank you for completing the short questions, below, regarding our Family Resource Guide and Acceptable Use Policy.
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Entering your name in the box, below, indicates you can find the Family Resource Guide on our website at innocademy.com/parents and, after reading, if you have questions you know to reach out to Kelli at kelli.gunn@innocademy.com  *
If you have a child in Young 5s through 3rd Grade Classic or Las Huellas (middle school families have already done this piece - thank you! =) Please enter your name in the box, below indicating you (parent) have received copies of, read, and understood the expectations of our 2020 – 2021 Learning Device Program and Device Protection Program and you (parent) agree to all requirements set forth by IES. IT IS REQUIRED THAT WE HAVE THIS SIGNATURE ON FILE SHOULD WE HAVE TO MOVE TO REMOTE LEARNING THIS YEAR.
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