Environmentally Beneficial Agricultural Income Stream Survey

The Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) would like to invite you to take part in a project survey funded by the Queensland Government Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP). The project aims to develop practical and affordable adaptation solutions for Queensland farmers by exploring alternate agricultural income streams to increase farm profitability and benefit the environment. The project is being managed jointly by the QFF and the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ). 

The survey is specifically designed to gather information that will help us evaluate industry drivers, motivations, barriers, perceptions, enabling conditions, and willingness to participate in carbon and biodiversity, and benefit and income diversification schemes. We guarantee that all responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and each survey will be assigned a unique ID number to aid in analysis and interpretation of results. Only aggregated results will be reported.

Your participation is incredibly valuable and greatly appreciated. The more responses we receive, the more confident we can be in the results. This study will help researchers develop adaptation solutions that are urgently needed to help farmers cope with the impacts of increasing climate variability by adopting management practices that reduce climate-related risks.

Thank you for your time and contribution. 

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1. What is your locality? Please state Local Government Area or River Basin (if outside Queensland, please specify) *
2. Gender *
3. Are you a key decision-maker for this property/enterprise? *
4. In which decade were you born? *
5. What is the land tenure of your property? *
6. How would you describe yourself in relation to your agricultural enterprise? *
7. How long have you been farming your current property? *
8. What commodities do you farm? (Please tick any that apply) *
9. Which industry bodies are you associated with? *
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