It's Your Money - Survey
As part of my It's Your Money campaign, I'm conducting this anonymous survey to gather some data around energy company practices involving customer overpayments.

I would be very grateful if you could spend a minute of your time to complete the below.

If you are a constituent and require assistance please get in touch at

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Who is your energy provider? (if you have more than one, select the one you wish to talk about) *
Do you have an online account with your energy provider? (App, Website etc) *
Do you know the current balance in your energy account? *
If you do know the balance, how much is it? (If not known, leave blank)
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I have heard from many constituents who have been denied access to their credit balances, have you? (Leave blank if not requested a credit withdrawal)
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Has your energy provider increased your direct debit payments without properly consulting you in the last 12 months? (Leave blank if you don't pay by direct debit)
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Please detail below any further information on experiences you've had with either trying to withdraw credit from your account or having your direct debit payments increased.
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