Safe Harbor Academy Community, Parent, & Student Feedback Form
Please provide feedback, ideas, solutions, concerns, or suggestions in regards to programs and initiatives.
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What things are going well at Safe Harbor Academy? *
We value your ideas and feedback and strive for continuous improvement at Safe Harbor Academy.  Please share your feedback on areas of growth or new initiatives you feel may benefit our young adults. *
Please identify and describe three strengths of the Safe Harbor faculty and staff. *
We model and promote a culture of T.R.U.S.T at Safe Harbor Academy.  Take Ownership, Respect, Understanding and Accountability, Show Integrity, Trust (Self, Others, and the learning process).  Please rate the Safe Harbor Academy's staff on promoting the culture of TRUST.
Needs Improvement
Models Effectively
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Please rate the customer service of the Safe Harbor Academy staff.
Needs improvement
Effectively Assists in Understanding and Needs
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Please rate the professionalism of the Safe Harbor Academy staff.
Needs improvement
Professional Interactions
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We welcome volunteers willing to come in and work with our students to share life lessons, tutor, and mentor.  Please list contact information and how you would be willing to volunteer. *
Please share any concerns, suggestions, questions, or comments.  Thank you for taking the time to be a part of our community and the continuous improvement process.
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