Registration: 825's Minecraft Winter Break Camp!
Thank you for registering for our Minecraft Winter Break Camp, hosted by 825 Arts!  The camp runs January 2-5, from 2-4pm each day. The program costs $100/person, with several available scholarships. If you are under 13, you will need the permission of a trusted adult before joining us on the server or on Discord.

This form is for one person at a time.

Minecraft rules and our code of conduct can be found HERE.
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Participant First Name
Participant Last name
Participant Email (if applicable)
Participant's Birthdate
Participant's Username on Discord (if applicable)
Please list any allergies, sensitivities, or other needs we may need to accommodate for
Trusted Adult Contact First Name (if under 13, otherwise enter N/A):
Trusted Adult Contact Last Name (if under 13, otherwise enter N/A)
Email of Trusted Adult  (this is the email where important updates and information about the program will be sent)
Mailing Address
i.e. 825 University Ave W, St Paul MN 55104
The player/their trusted adult have read and agree to follow the Minecraft Rules
Participation is pay what you can, with all proceeds supporting 825 Arts. Suggested donation is $25-$100. Follow the link to complete payment in a secure window: *
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