DublinCSS - Call for Papers
DublinCSS meetup: https://www.meetup.com/DublinCSS/

Talk length - 30 minutes.

Feel free to submit multiple talk proposals if you have few ideas to share!

A meeting usually has 2 or 3 presentations.

We welcome new and experienced speakers. If you have an idea to share, or a project you've worked on and learned something awesome, we would like to hear from you!
We look for anything CSS related (from implementing Design Concepts to CSS-in-JS frameworks).

This form is used mainly for current meetings, but if you wish to propose a presentation for future ones, you can add the details here and we can schedule you for the next meetings :)

Before we start, please note that we are a community Meetup based in Dublin, Ireland. We unfortunately can't cover any speaker expenses.

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Email Address *
Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Clear selection
Presentation title *
Short presentation summary
Which meeting are you submitting this CFP for? *
Have you presented a talk before?
You can type "Yes" or "No". But if Yes, can you send us links to your slides and recordings available online?
A picture of you *
Link to your profile picture to be displayed on the website.
Bio *
Your short bio to be displayed on the website.
Your website or blog URL
Company name and work title
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at DublinCSS are required to agree with the following code of conduct: http://confcodeofconduct.com (We're aware of the notice and will provide our own version shortly)
Further information
Is there anything you want to share with us? A specific need for your talk, a feedback on the meetup, or just say hi! This is the field for that :)
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