SWAT4(HC)LS Special Issue
Traditionally, the proceedings of SWAT4LS workshops were published by CEUR and a selection of full papers derived from best works was published by the Journal of Biomedical Semantics in a devoted Collection.
During last years, however, we had difficulties in following this model. Also, many alternative repositories for conference proceedings were created and are now available as an alternative to CEUR.
It seems that it is now the right time to revise the publication processes associated with the SWAT4LS workshop. With this short poll, we aim at gathering the preferences and desires of the natural audience of the event, its participants.

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For your participation in the workshop, what is most relevant?
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Regarding associated publications, what do you prefer?
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For the proceedings, what would you prefer?
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For the special issue, what would you prefer?
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For submitting your papers, what do you rate most?
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